Discover the inspiring story of Hannah (Anna), the mother of Samuel, the prophet who anointed David as king over Israel. Despite years of waiting and praying for a child, Anna never lost faith in the Lord. Learn how her unwavering trust in God’s goodness and might is reflected in her powerful words of praise: “There is no one holy like our Lord! I will sing forever: He is so good!” Read on to find out more about Anna’s remarkable story of faith and perseverance.
Stars are shining bright, it’s night already,
Prayer time is near and, in a whisper,
I will talk to God,
Oh, I will praise Him with a thankful heart.
My beloved son, you were expected
And there was a time when I was crying,
Prayed to God and bowed,
In the temple on my knees, I vowed.
Our God is mighty! There is no one holy like our Lord!
I will sing forever: He is so good!
I stood there alone and begged my Father
Wishing I had you and be a mother…
Eli looked at me
Having no idea what I need.
When he heard my wish, „Believe!” he told me,
„All you need is faith!”. The wonder happened:
God has heard my cry
So, I will give you back to Adonai.
Our God is mighty! There is no one holy like our Lord!
I will sing forever: He is so good!
Samuel, don’t forget you have a Master
God, the mighty Lord will be your Pastor,
I offered Him your life
’Cause He showed His mercy in my cry.
Serve our Lord, have faith and never worry,
He’ll be by your side in every journey.
God is good and strong
And your life will carry all along.
Our God is mighty! There is no one holy like our Lord!
I will sing forever: He is so good!
Our God is mighty! There is no one holy like our Lord!
I will sing forever: He is so good!
Close your eyes and hush, my little baby,
I’ll entrust you to our God almighty.
You belong to Him,
You are in the hands of Elohim.
You belong to Him,
You are in the hands of Elohim.
You belong to Him,
You are in the hands of Elohim.
Biblical references
1 Samuel 2