This animated song is about the resurrection of Lazarus. As he got sick, Mary and Martha sent a word to Jesus to come and help. When Jesus arrived, Lazarus was already buried, this setting the stage for one of the most known wonders, the resurrection of Lazarus.
Lazarus – MP3 Song2,00 $
Coloring Pages “Lazarus”1,99 $
“Lazarus” Instrumental9,99 $
When among the people,
Jesus made them well
And about His Father
He would always tell.
Many trusted Jesus
And the Word He spread
When Mary and Martha
Sent a word that said:
“Jesus, come in a hurry
Lazarus needs You quick:
Your dear friend and our brother
Is so very sick!”
“Jesus, come in a hurry!
Don’t let a day go by!
Please come, quickly heal him
Or Lazarus will die”
Just a few days later
When Jesus had arrived
Lazarus was buried
So He sobbed and cried
“Roll away that Big Stone”
Jesus told the crowd
Prayed to God in Heaven
Then He said out loud:
„Lazarus, come, I tell you,
I am your Friend, no doubt!”
And from the grave, obeying,
Lazarus came out.
So always follow Jesus
Each and every day
He loves us and He hears us
Every time we pray.
„Lazarus, come, I tell you,
I am your Friend, no doubt!”
And from the grave, obeying,
Lazarus came out.
So always follow Jesus
Each and every day
He loves us and He hears us
Every time we pray
Every time we pray
Every time we pray.