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Sarah Laughed – Lyrics, MP3 and more

In this special month dedicated to ladies and young ladies, we have prepared for you a new song inspired by Sarah’s life!

Sarah experienced the extraordinary power of God! When their hopes of having a child seemed dashed, God performed a miracle! Though her initial reaction was to laugh, Sarah became pregnant with Isaac just as God had promised! Thus began their entire adventure with the Lord!

What an amazing God we have! No matter how impossible what He has promised may seem, He will always fulfill it!



In the promised land once lived
Abraham and Sarah.
But as the years passed, day by day,
A baby’s presence seemed to fade away.

But one day three guests arrived
Bringing a strange message
“You’ll have a baby”, one man said,
But Sarah chuckled and she shook her head.

Sarah laughed “Ha, ha, ha!”
“Me, a baby? A-ha-ha!”
But is there something God can’t do?
Impossible is nothing in His view!

Sarah laughed “Ha, ha, ha!”
“Me, a baby? A-ha-ha!”
But is there something God can’t do?
Impossible is nothing in His view!

Well, maybe laughing wasn’t the best idea
Because here’s what happened next…

Months went by and then behold,
A baby-bump would start to show,
A miracle right then and there,
Proof of promise that’s beyond compare.

One year later, as foretold,
Isaac’s born, God’s love unfolds…
A baby boy with eyes so bright,
Blessing their lives with pure delight!

Sarah laughed “Ha, ha, ha!”
“Me, a baby? A-ha-ha!”
But is there something God can’t do?
Impossible is nothing in His view!

Sarah laughed “ha, ha, ha!”
“Me, a baby? A-ha-ha!”
But is there something God can’t do?
Impossible is nothing in His view!

Just imagine their house after God’s promise was fulfilled…

The laughter echoed filled their home,
A joyous sound, a gleeful tone,
A baby boy, a gift so rare,
A testament to an answered prayer.

So when in doubt remember this,
God never fails His promise
What He speaks comes into life,
His word is flawless – ending every strife.

Sarah laughed “Ha, ha, ha!”
“Me, a baby? A-ha-ha!”
But is there something God can’t do?
Impossible is nothing in His view!

Sarah laughed “Ha, ha, ha!”
“Me, a baby? A-ha-ha!”
But is there something God can’t do?
Impossible is nothing in His view,
Impossible is nothing in His view,
Impossible is nothing in His view!

Biblical references

Genesis 18: